The Need for Recognition
One of the things I truly believe that God has called me
specifically to do is to write. Anyone who knows me well knows this. I dream of
writing blogs consistently, writing books, bible studies, devotions… but I
haven’t written a blog in a while. I could pretend that I was too busy or too
tired with my pregnancy. I could pretend that I had too much to do with
cleaning my house, working full-time, and taking care of my kid… among other
things. Lately, though, I have noticed that those are valid reasons for not
taking the time to write, they are not the main reason why I haven’t.
You know those moments when you see your sin nature rear its
ugly head, and it is not only clear to you, but clear to others, too? Yeh, I
experienced that this week. I noticed something about myself that I knew a few
years ago, but I never spent time fully dealing with it. While I was getting my
Masters Degree in Seminary (for counseling), we not only had to learn from our
books, we had to learn from personal experience.
I took a class specifically training us in Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy. I won’t explain what that therapy fully entails, but we
mainly learned how to help our clients know, challenge, and replace unhealthy
thought patterns. Sounds fun, right? Yeh, except for the fact that we actually
had to be “counseled” by a classmate on real issues. We had to know, challenge,
and replace our OWN unhealthy thought patterns. I learned at that time that I
have struggled with a deep-rooted belief for a long time, and that is the
belief that I saw come out in an unsightly way this week.
I am a person who longs for recognition. There…I said it. I
don’t like to even say it out loud because, frankly, it is embarrassing and
makes me sound insecure. My pride isn’t too fond of others seeing my
insecurities, but it’s true. I long for recognition. Sometimes I feel like I
even NEED it. I was taught in my life to do everything to the absolute best of
my ability, and when I do that with little to no appreciation or recognition, I
feel too easily angry and hurt. I tend to take a little too much pride in the
strengths and talents I have at times, and I expect others to notice those
things. When they don’t, I get angry and bitter and close up into my shell,
going back to believing the deep-rooted beliefs that have never been uprooted.
I am unwanted. I am unlovable. I am not good enough. I am
Heavy. Part of me can’t even believe that I just said that
outside of the security of my journal, but I choose to share it with you
because I know you may have some of these deep-rooted beliefs, too. Sharing my
struggle and how I am working to overcome it may give one person the courage to
face their own core beliefs with a little more confidence.
But I felt those things this week. Someone else received
recognition for something I felt I deserved, and those beliefs hit me hard in
the face. Sadly, they came out in my actions, too.
Sometimes I believe that I am a good writer. A good singer.
A hard worker. I believe that I am intelligent and well-read. I believe that I
am a good counselor. A good teacher. A good mom and wife. A good leader.
Most of the time, I believe that I am not good enough in
those roles. I believe that others don’t really want anything to do with me,
that they don’t really care. I believe that someone else is a better singer, a
better writer, a better mom, a better counselor. I tend to believe these things because of the
simple fact that a lot of times I receive little to no recognition for doing
those things. (or at least I think I don't)
Isn’t that sad? I believe the lie that I need someone to
honor what I do and who I am in order for me to believe that I am wanted,
lovable, good enough, and appreciated. Logically, I can run this into the
ground, but for some reason there is a major disconnect between my mind and my
heart. I can speak truth to myself all day, fighting those lies, but if I still
believe that I am unwanted, unlovable, not good enough, and unappreciated, what
am I doing??
The first thing that I need to do more is understand and
know who I truly am. I am a sinner saved by grace. I am a child of God. Those
other roles are a part of who I am,
but they do not define me. Yes, I am a mom, a wife, a counselor, a writer and a
singer, but I am first and most importantly someone who has been radically
changed by Jesus. He calls me His own, and that is enough.
That should blow holes in my deep-rooted beliefs alone. The
fact that Jesus left the throne in Heaven to become a man on this earth, to
understand what humanity really is, to be able to truly sympathize with our
hurt, our fears, our temptations… the fact that He died on a cross to make
the final sacrifice for my sin so that I can have a personal relationship with
God… that should make me realize that I AM loved. I AM wanted. Will I ever be
good enough? No. But He was good enough for me!
My identity is found in this alone: I am loved by God. I was
important enough to Him that He would do that for me (and you). I will never be
perfect in all of those roles or the very best, but He was. That is enough. He
was and is enough. I don’t have to be. I don’t have to be perfect. I don’t have
to be the best writer or singer or mom. I don’t have to be.
The second thing I need to realize is that I don’t NEED
recognition. I need Jesus. I need His grace. I need His love. I need His peace.
I don’t NEED recognition from others… I need to recognize the One who truly
deserves it. I have to literally play that on repeat in my head. Recognition
from others is so temporal, but it is God whom I need to work to please. I need
to write to honor Him alone, not myself. I need to sing to honor Him alone, not
myself. I need to counsel, to teach, to work, to be a wife and a mom… to honor
Him alone, not myself. I need to live for HIS fame, not my own.
When I feel forgotten, unappreciated, unloved, unwanted or
not good enough on this earth, at times it manifests itself into a feeling of
entitlement, which leads to a life of pride, a life centered around myself, a
life of growing bitterness toward those who don’t see me as I wish they did.
Because of that growing insecurity and bitterness, and may I say even jealousy,
I do not do the things God has asked of me. I neglect writing and many other
things. However, when I choose to focus
on my real identity as a child of God, on the One who deserves all honor, the
One who gave me my strengths and
talents, those beliefs start melting away. What comes out instead of pride is
humility, is genuine happiness for others getting recognition I crave so desperately,
is obedience to do what is asked of me even if I never receive a “Thank You,”
or a “Great Job!” What comes out is the attitude of Christ.
“Do nothing out of
selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in
humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you
look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have
this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was
in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but
made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness
of men. And being found in human form, he
humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a
cross. Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that
is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in
heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the
Father.” Philippians 2: 3-11 (ESV, emphasis mine)
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